What Is A Hidden Gutter And How Is It Installed | All About Gutters Inc

Times are changing and every day there are new ways of building and with it, more ways to channel rainwater from the roof. We are used to seeing the gutters on the facade of our houses, but the current trend is to hide them. What is a hidden gutter and how is it installed? All About Gutters Inc experts have explained it very preciously below. You can also get your Hidden Gutter installed in The Lower Mainland.
What Is A Hidden Gutter And How Is It Installed | All About Gutters Inc

Hidden gutter features

These types of ducts are not visible from outside the home. The normal and usual thing is that the gutter installation is located in the skirts of the roofs. This type of drainage system performs the function of evacuating rainwater and at the same time allows taking care of the aesthetics of the building. In some places they are also called box gutters and they collect rainwater while being invisible.

As it is not on the facade of the building or home, it also allows construction companies not to invest so much in the finishes.

The best materials for this type of channeling are metallic, such as aluminum gutters, providing durability and solidity, as they are also resistant to inclement weather.

How The Gutter Is Positioned So That It Cannot Be Seen

This type of installation is considerably more complex than a visible gutter. The most advisable thing is to have professionals who assure us that the work will be the best and of quality.

There are different ways of mounting:

Before the spoiler and the ledge ends. Just before the cornice, we place the pipeline leaving everything on the roof.

Attached to the side profile: One of the profiles has a kind of visor that conceals the channel.

Extending the facade: build a small wall covering the duct and the roof protruding.

The best way to place a hidden gutter, and the easiest, is to do it when the façade works are being carried out or even work on the roof itself. If this were not the case, it would entail lifting the roof, placing the duct and later putting the roof back on.

The downspouts are usually placed under a cladding, thus being totally covered as well as the gutters. In this way, everything would be hidden and waterproofed.

Should Maintenance Be Done?

Preventive maintenance of any gutter system is essential whether it is visible or hidden. In this way, obstructions and humidity problems or other future incidents are avoided.

It is also advisable that qualified professionals do it and take the appropriate security measures. Work at height must be carried out with the appropriate equipment, as well as by experienced workers in this type of intervention.

The ducts must be thoroughly cleaned and any debris, leaves or animals removed. With a pressure gun or hose, we remove any remains that are found and that may cause a blockage.

Benefits Of Hidden Gutters

The greatest benefit of this channeling modality is purely aesthetic. The aesthetics of the building are greatly improved and it gives a clean and stylish feel to the façade itself.

The materials used are of high quality, they last a long time and are very resistant. The function of the two systems, both the visible and the hidden, is to collect the rain, so the two systems serve the same purpose and the cost of both is similar.

Our recommendation is that if you have thought about carrying out work on the roof, do not hesitate and opt for a hidden evacuation system so that your home looks.


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