What Can Be Done When The Gutters Have Asbestos?

What Can Be Done When The Gutters Have Asbestos?

Although in recent years it has been shown that asbestos is a dangerous material that poses a high risk to health, it was very common to find it in many elements used in the construction of houses. Insulators, roofs, and gutters are just some of the materials in which it is still possible to find this toxic compound. In today's post, we tell you to step by step what you have to do if you have an asbestos gutter system.

1. Check That The Pipes Contain Asbestos

Before making any decision that has to do with your gutters, we recommend contacting a specialized company such as All About Gutters Inc that can demonstrate the presence of asbestos in any of the gutter elements. In case of the installation, it will be necessary to carry out some checks, but if it is later you can rest assured. It will surely be made up of asbestos-free elements.

The professional who comes to do the revision of the elements may request the invoice of the original assembly to review the materials used. However, these data are sometimes inconclusive, so you will check the ductwork for the NT inscription indicating that they do not contain asbestos. If this stamp is not found, then you will need to take a small sample of the material the gutters are made from and send it to a laboratory that can facilitate the composition of the gutters.

2. Remove The Affected Rain Gutters

After being certain that there is asbestos in the gutters, there is no other option but to remove it to avoid the health risks it poses. You must bear in mind that it is necessary to have the necessary protection to be able to manipulate materials of this type, in addition to having the resources to proceed with their removal. Therefore, it is essential that you hire a professional with experience in removing asbestos gutters.

In addition, we recommend that you review the rest of the elements of the home that may contain asbestos since it is a good opportunity to eliminate any source of intoxication by this material.

3. Install A New Rainwater Collection System

Once the old ducts have been removed, a new gutter installation must be carried out. To do this, the first thing we have to do is decide on a safe material such as aluminum, zinc or copper. Consult the rain duct expert who is going to do the assembly, which options are best for your home, and let them advise you on the type of installation.

Also, do not forget that in order to have a roof rain collection system in good condition and with long useful life, it is necessary to carry out periodic inspections to guarantee its maintenance.


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