Why Check Rain Gutters In The Fall?

Why Check Rain Gutters In The Fall

With autumn comes the fall of the leaves, the days get shorter and the temperatures begin to drop. But it is also one of the times of the year when it rains the most and we must put the systems for collecting rainwater from the rooftops in order to avoid problems such as traffic jams and prepare them for the arrival of sub-zero temperatures or even precipitation in the form of snow. And hail. We tell you all about gutter reviews in the fall.

The Importance Of Periodic Inspections For Rain Gutters

From All About Gutters Inc, we always recommend making periodic reviews twice a year, in spring and autumn, to guarantee a good functioning of the rain evacuation system in the face of the rainiest months. However, the benefits of good maintenance of gutters go further, since they allow:

Avoid clogging the ducts by cleaning them of leaves, plant debris and any other material that may have fallen from the cover.

Anticipate possible cracks and breaks by ensuring that everything is in good condition.

Prevent nuisance pluvial leaks and leaks that can lead to costly repairs.

Ensure that the joints of the ducts and the fixings to the facade or roof are in good condition and that there is no risk of detachment.

Identify the weak points of the installation for the winter to be able to take the necessary measures to ensure that it works well at least until the summer months.

Duct Maintenance Fundamentals

To ensure that a service is carried out correctly and that it complies with all the basic points of good maintenance, it must include certain actions. Although it is true that not all of them should be done on all occasions and it is enough to include them once a year, as a general rule we must ask the professional who comes to our home to carry out the following operations:

Cleaning: It is essential to clean gutters since it not only allows us to remove dirt and avoid future jams, but it is the only way to check the real state of the ducts.

Crack Detection: The entire tube surface must be thoroughly checked to identify weak areas where cracks or fissures may appear that could lead to water seepage.

Checking The Tightness Of The Joints: Although continuous pieces without joints are usually used in the case of aluminum gutters, there are always areas such as the junction of the gutters with the downspouts that can compromise the watertight capacities of the channels.

Repairs: In the event that any type of anomaly is detected in the rainwater collection system, the pertinent repairs must always be made in the shortest possible time. In addition, it is a great opportunity to anticipate failures by changing those parts that, although they are still in good condition, have deteriorated over time and can compromise the gutters in the medium term.

Installing Plugins: Similarly, gutter repairs are the perfect time to look at the problems facing the installation and make relevant improvements with the placement of accessories that increase its functionality. Some of them can be the anti-bird spikes or the protective grids.


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