Where Should The Downspouts Of A Storm Drain System Go?

Where Should The Downspouts Of A Storm Drain System Go

When installing a storm drainage system, one of the first steps you have to do is design how you want it. This means calculating the meters of gutter needed the number of supports, measuring the slope, and deciding where to place the downspouts for the system.

It is essential that not only aesthetic criteria be followed, but also practical and technical ones, which a professional gutter installer will help you to follow. In this article, you will learn all about those aspects that determine where the downspouts should go and about the different installation options where they should be placed.

How To Know Where To Place The Rainwater Evacuation Exits?

How and where to place gutters and downspouts are two of the frequently asked questions when installing gutters. Having the guidence of All About Gutters Inc experts will help you answer them in the best way and ensure that your installation will function perfectly for many years.

The downspouts are the rainwater evacuation outlets from the gutters that are placed parallel to the roof. To place them, a specific piece is placed that joins the two channel pieces, with a lower mouth to which the downspout itself is attached. The most common question arises when deciding where in the system to place it.

The first thing is to always take into account where the drain is located, the sewer grate, the closest or where on the ground there is a slope towards one. Any expert can help you by using a plumb line to determine the steepest place.

Also use common sense, since you should avoid placing the downspouts near doors or entrances to the home, as they could lead to humidity problems.

It is essential to make an estimate of the area to choose the capacity of the rainwater drainage system: number of downspouts that will be necessary to evacuate the water, as well as their thickness.

Placing the downspouts at the ends of the gutter system

The options on where to place the downspouts can be divided into two: either place them at the ends of the horizontal ducts or in the center. It is important that you decide this before starting the placement.

If you are going to place the downspouts at the ends of the gutters, you must take into account a basic aspect: the inclination that the system must-have for the water to flow correctly, so that water pools do not form in the system, but rather it runs its course down the drain properly.

For this process, there are already prepared pieces on the market with integrated sides and with an opening at the bottom to join the downspouts. In this way, you only have to place the piece at the end of the channel in which the downspout is placed. On the other hand, remember that you have to leave a small space between each support of the gutters, as well as a space between the fixings of the downspouts to the facade.

Placing the downspouts in the center of the rain gutters

On the other hand, there are situations in which it is more appropriate to place the downspouts between two pieces of the gutters, in the most suitable place according to the inclination of the nearest drain, either in the center or on the sides of the building wall.

Be very careful with the inclination that you give to the storm drainage system at the time of its installation: its function is that the water flows easily into the vertical evacuation duct. You should also place support brackets for the ducts leaving a space and according to the necessary slope.

If the installation is done on a roof with eaves, you may have to place an elbow between the gutter and the downspout, because these vertical ducts must always be installed close to the facade of the building.

At the ends of the gutters, you must place a cover that prevents the water from escaping and facilitates its evacuation through the pipe that runs down the facade to the nearest drain.

In any case, you should always have the supervision and experience of professionals dedicated to the installation of rain ducts. Otherwise, you may find yourself with problems that will require a greater investment for their repair.


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