What Are The Collectors In A Storm Gutter System?

What Are The Collectors In A Storm Gutter System

If you are thinking of installing a rain gutter system in your home, it is important that you know all the parts by which it must be formed. Since this way you are more likely to be able to carry out good maintenance and make it work properly. That is why you should know that, although there are many sections that make up a gutter installation, one of the less known pieces but with a more important role are the collectors. Find out what a rain collector is and what it is for.

What Is A Hopper In A Gutter Installation?

The collectors, also known as collector boxes, are one of the elements that must be part of an installation of channels for the collection of rain from a roof. They are pieces that are placed between the gutters and the downspouts to help the water run down correctly and not overflow through the horizontal pipes.

Generally, a collector has a shape similar to a funnel, although we can find them with all kinds of designs. As well as being made of different materials and finishes. Usually it is the professional gutter installation company that carries out the assembly of the ducts that decides which collector to place, although of course as a customer you always have the last word.

What Are Collectors For?

These pieces that join the horizontal and vertical ducts of an installation have a very clear function. What is to make the water drain from the gutters to the downspouts correctly. But in addition the collector boxes have a very important role in the installation due to other functions. We tell you the most important ones.

They make the water flow from the gutters to the downspouts efficiently.

They store the water in cases of torrential rainfall, preventing the gutters from overflowing .

They avoid the excessive accumulation of water in the channels and therefore the danger of breakage due to excessive weight.

They help prevent clogs or clogs in downspouts.

Types Of Collector In A Gutter System

Just as it is important to choose the correct gutter shape, it is also important to find the ideal collector for each installation. That is why it is advisable to know the different types that we can find. It is best to choose those that have the same materials and finishes as the rest of the channel system. Some of the aspects to take into account when making the decision are the following:

Material . The most common are those of aluminum, although they are also available in the rest of the materials with which gutters are manufactured. As they are zinc, galvanized steel or copper.

Finishes . Each material has different finishes, from metallic to colored lacquers.

Form . The most common collection boxes have a design reminiscent of a triangle. Although it is possible to find collectors with all kinds of shapes, from rounded to rectangular or even with decorative motifs. The choice of one or the other is often made for aesthetic reasons.

The Importance Of Collector Maintenance

This element is the link between the pipes that receive rainwater from the roof and the downspouts that are responsible for evacuating it. Therefore, its operation is essential for the rest of the installation to carry out its function. For this reason, carrying out maintenance on the collectors a couple of times a year is a guarantee of the proper functioning of the entire duct system.

Remember that maintenance must always be carried out by qualified personnel, as well as include a thorough cleaning and repair of any item that is damaged.


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