How Do I Know I Need Bigger Gutters?

How Do I Know I Need Bigger Gutters

That our gutters are the right size to drain all the rainwater that falls on our roof is essential. When we speak of larger gutters, we are obviously referring to their width or diameter; since the length must always be the same as the perimeter of the roof itself. Regarding the width or diameter of the gutters; This must be calculated based on several factors; including the slope of the roof, the number of downspouts and drains, and of course the range of rainfall in the area where we live.

In the market you can find gutters of very different widths; the standard is usually 125mm, but you can usually find them 185mm, 210mm, etc.

How do I know what diameter I need in my gutters?

As we have told you, this depends on several factors. Before opting for any option, it is advisable to consult a company specialized in gutter installation. From a specialized company they will send a technician to carry out a visual inspection of the characteristics of the house, the land, etc. In this way we can obtain adequate advice regarding the width of the gutters, and not fall short in their measurement.

Usually; with gutters it is better to prevent and install a slightly wider width than the standard; the aesthetic difference is almost imperceptible and we make sure that the gutters never overflow during a strong storm or storm.

If we have the advice of specialists we can be sure that all the factors that influence when choosing a specific model will be taken into account; and not only in terms of diameter; but also the material, design, accessories, etc.

What factors influence the diameter of the gutters?

Below we analyze the most important factors when choosing a specific width for the gutters:

Range of rainfall in our geographical area

Evidently; The first thing we have to know to calculate the width of our gutters is how much it rains or snows where we live and in what way. For instance; If we live in mountain areas with heavy snowfalls, it will be advisable to prepare our gutters to resist melting snow. Or if we live on the coast, we have to take into account that sometimes the rains will be torrential; so that our gutters have to have enough capacity to evacuate all the water without collapsing.

Roof slope and meters

A large sloping roof is capable of collecting many liters of water in a short time. Our gutters must be prepared to lead all that water to the downspouts effectively without filling up.

Number of downspouts

If we only have one drainage point, our gutters must be wider than normal; since all the water will go to the same point. Conversely; if we install several downspouts; we can reduce the diameter of the gutters; since the water will flow to different points to be evacuated faster; which we take the workload off the gutters by making the water flow to different drainage points.

Remember that if you want your gutters to be the right width for your house, you just have to consult a specialist. Seek the advice of companies specialized in the manufacture, installation, and maintenance of gutters. This way you will never have any problem related to the inadequate diameter of the gutters.


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