How To Waterproof A Construction Gutter?

How To Waterproof A Construction Gutter

With the arrival of the rains, infiltration problems in homes increase which, if not properly addressed, can cause permanent damage to the gutter system and, as a result, raise the cost of its repair. For this reason, prevention is better than cure.

Normally, infiltration is due to problems in the waterproofing layer of the roof, so it is necessary to know how to choose the best product to protect the roofs, especially in the case of new constructions. Before getting into the subject, it is necessary to have the help of a professional in the installation and repair of gutters to avoid accidents.

What To Do Before Waterproofing A Gutter

When you have a leak resulting from a leak in the roof, it is very important that, before waterproofing, an expert analyzes if there are cracks and how the singular points of the roof are located, that is, the joints where the horizontal facing meets the vertical.

In this way, singular points and joints can be sealed and everything is focused on how to waterproof the gutter. On many occasions, by receiving more water and by being in contact with the vertical faces of the exterior of the building, the gutters tend to suffer cracks over time and, later, leaks. Therefore, we recommend that you follow these steps before waterproofing:

Examine the slope and its relationship to gutters with the help of a professional gutter service.

Consider the atmospheric conditions of the locality where you are. Factors such as the amount of precipitation, air humidity and thermal excursion are very important to take into account when choosing the materials to be used for waterproofing. Choose the right material, recommended by a rain gutter installation expert .

How To Waterproof Gutters And Prevent Leaks

The waterproofing problem that you have can be solved easily with a mesh and a pair of coats of liquid waterproofing .

Steps to waterproof a gutter:

Clean the entire surface to be treated well. Remove all the damaged material and everything that hinders the adherence of the material to be placed, such as stones or dirt. You must make sure that the surface is free of dust and dirt.

Cut out the fiberglass reinforcing mesh . With a mesh of 25 gr it is enough to give the necessary support.

Overlap the mesh over the crack and apply the waterproofing; now, with the help of a brush, adhere the mesh over the fissure.

Let it dry for at least four hours . If there are several cracks or singular points along the gutter you can continue solving.

Make a second thicker pass .

Let dry for a day and apply a finishing coat over the entire gutter.

Maintenance And Prevention

As you already realized, repairing a roof is not economical and, if you have had water leaks in your home or in several homes, surely it will be quite expensive for the community of owners.

For this reason, preventive maintenance activities are necessary and can be carried out by personnel from an external company. In the case of waterproofing large roofs, it is advisable to hire a company specialized in these tasks to avoid accidents or problems, as well as follow these recommendations:

Inspect every 6 to 12 months and every 2 to 5 years before a change of use.

Deep clean every year or every 6 months.

Renew if necessary and according to the product that is applied.


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