What Is The Most Suitable Gutter Size For My Home?

What Is The Most Suitable Gutter Size For My Home

Did you know that there are ducts for collecting rainwater from roofs of different sizes? Surely it is something that you had not considered before doing a gutter assembly, but it is a very important aspect. Since in case of putting very small ones we can put at risk the entire rainwater evacuation system.

In the case of aluminum gutters, for example, the most common diameters are between 100 and 150 mm, although we can find rain gutters of up to 210 mm to adapt to gutter installations that need ducts with a greater capacity. To find out the most recommended gutter width, we recommend contacting a specialized company that analyzes the needs of your home. These are the aspects you should pay attention to.

Take into account the rainfall in your area

It is very important to know the rainfall rate of the geographical place where the house is located, as well as the particular characteristics of the climate. In other words, it is not enough to know how much it rains, but it is also necessary to consider the way in which it occurs. We must assess whether there are times of the year when there are torrential rains or if we are in a place where it snows or freezes in winter.

For this reason, the ideal is that the company that carries out the assembly is from that place or has experience in the area, since in this way it will know the capacity that the rainwater channels must have. In addition, in this way you can also advise on the material , in mountain places for example, copper gutters with a large diameter that resist inclement weather and withstand the meltwater of the roofs give very good results.

Analyze the characteristics of the cover

In any installation of gutters we have to consider how is the cover from which the water has to evacuate. Aspects such as the slope and the meters of roof are key to knowing how the water will reach the ducts and how much water will have to be managed in the event of heavy rainfall.

Performing this calculation can be complicated for an outsider, however it is relatively easy for a gutter professional to figure out.

Design how the installation will be

Finally, before deciding on the size of the ducts, we must be clear about the design of the duct system, considering the meters of channel, the number of downspouts to be placed and the location of each one. In this way we will also know how much water each section will have to manage.

In case we are only going to place a drainage downspout, the gutters will have to be wider. While if we put several downspouts on the same facade we can afford gutters with less capacity. In addition, this is also important for the assembly, since we have to make sure that the sections have the recommended inclination to allow the water to flow.

As you can see, knowing the exact width that your gutter installation needs is not as simple as it seems if you are not an expert. To ensure a long-lasting assembly with guarantees, the best option is always to have a professional who can make these types of decisions, as well as recommend the use of zinc, galvanized, or aluminum gutters according to your needs.


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