What Must Be Taken Into Account So That The Gutters Of Your Home Do Not Overflow?

What Must Be Taken Into Account So That The Gutters Of Your Home Do Not Overflow

When a home's rainwater drainage network is to be assembled, it is necessary to study the conditions and technical characteristics that the installation must meet, such as the model, shape and dimensions of the gutters depending on the dimensions of the cover, route of the pipes and location of the downspout to which the system is going to be connected. Next, we will tell you everything you need to take into account so that the gutters of your home do not overflow.

Install gutters of the most suitable diameter

To ensure that gutters are placed with the appropriate measurements, the technicians of the gutter installation service will study a series of factors that will significantly influence their dimensions.

It is also important to take into account the square meters and the shape of our roof, to know how much water is necessary to evacuate.

It is advisable to consult with a professional guttering company that advises us on what materials are the most suitable for our home.

Prevent duct blockages from occurring

The overflows of the water evacuation network from the roofs are a real problem, since dampness and leaks will appear in the building.

The solution can be simple if it is done on time and by the right professionals for it.

In most cases, the gutters get clogged because they are not the correct diameter or section , which causes the water to not circulate well or leaves from trees or other debris to settle in them and the installation is not capable to evacuate them correctly, causing in turn overflows .

So that this does not happen, it will be necessary to carry out cleaning on a recurring basis and/or place a grid that avoids possible obstructions in the channels or downspouts.

Make sure the tilt is correct

To facilitate the drainage of water, it is necessary that the entire system have the appropriate slope, since the evacuation is carried out by gravity and any counter slope can cause blockages and obstructions in our gutters.

If the installation has been carried out by a professional, it is difficult that this circumstance has not been taken into account, since it is the fundamental pillar so that we do not have problems in the short or long term.



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