Benefits Of Collecting Rainwater With Your Rain Gutter System

Benefits Of Collecting Rainwater With Your Rain Gutter System

The rainy season offers us a perfect opportunity to help preserve the environment, and collect rainwater for better use. The collected water is ideal for performing various household cleaning tasks.

In case you don't know, storing rainwater is quite useful for a lot of home activities, you can even reduce your water consumption and service payment. However, one of the greatest benefits obtained by collecting rainwater is helping to preserve the environment.

One of the ways this benefits the environment is by reducing the energy use and carbon emissions of your local water treatment facilities, as they must activate a system that consumes large amounts of energy to pump the water to your home.

With the increase in the volume of water produced during the rainy season, the installation of rain gutters is extremely useful. These narrow channels installed at the edges of the roof are specifically designed to capture water and redirect its flow away from the foundation and other areas of the house.

The gutter system sends the water through downspouts, it can be stored in water tanks , making it available for use.

Ways to take advantage of rainwater

Rainwater that is properly collected and stored represents a sustainable source, ideal for use inside and outside the house. Some activities in which it can be used are the following:

Water the garden

Depending on the size and the care your garden requires, you will have a higher or lower water consumption. By placing a large water tank at the outlet of your gutters you will be able to collect a considerable amount of rainwater to help care for your garden during periods of drought without consuming water from the spout.

For added convenience, store-bought rainwater tanks are equipped with a hose connection port so you can water your plants without any extra effort.


Since washing machines can use excessive amounts of water per load, you will save a great deal of water by connecting your washing machine to a rainwater tank. Most households do a total of 5 or 6 washes a week, so storing water for this purpose will come in handy.

water for the toilet

Toilets use about 12 per flush, and the average person uses thirty liters of water a day, which is 210 liters a week. So to save water , it will be appropriate to connect your toilet to the rainwater tank.

And what if the level in the tank drops too low? Just keep the toilet connected to your apartment's plumbing system with the valve closed, so you can turn the water back on whenever you want. When the time comes when the tank's reserves run out, you will have saved a lot of water.

Other benefits of collecting rainwater

Other benefits that result from harvesting rainwater is the reduction of the amount of water absorbed by the sewer and the road pipe system during storms. If an excessive amount of water reaches the public sewer system, it can overload it, causing wastewater to be discharged into the white water. However, this excess could be collected by your tank or keg.

As you can see, collecting rainwater and using it at home is a practical way to take care of the environment. The preservation of water is an important issue nowadays, that is why we recommend you take advantage of the benefits of rainwater.


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