The History Of Rain Gutters | Origins To The Present

The History Of Rain Gutters | Origins To The Present

Have you ever wondered, during a routine cleaning on your roof, about the history of rain gutters? Believe it or not, rain gutters already have a long history; in fact the fascinating history behind gutters goes back a few thousand years. Today's post will be dedicated to the creation, evolution and modernization of this important domestic tool.

Gutter origins

The first recorded drainage system in history is located between 3000 BC and 1500 BC. The Harappan civilization, in the province of Punjab (northeast Pakistan), already used toilets connected to a system of canals.

Between the years 27 BC and 14 BC , the Roman Empire innovated its road construction system, causing water and mud to move downhill into a system of canals.

In AD 47 the Romans introduce the canal system in Britain.

Early centuries

In 1066, after the Norman invasion of England, churches, residences, and other buildings were rebuilt with stone parapets and roofs; this paved the way for the creation of the famous gargoyle-shaped rain gutters that “spit” water out of buildings.

In the year 1240 a downspout was built for the Tower of London for its white walls. These were supposedly the first downspouts built in Britain.

Between the 1300s and 1500s, at the end of the Middle Ages, local authorities in British communities, with limited resources, officiated in the production of a wide variety of rain gutters.

Between the years 1536 and 1541, the dissolution of convents, monasteries, priories, brought an abundance of metals such as lead and other construction materials, resulting in a rise in the industry of decorative cisterns, rain gutters, and other pluvial implements.

18th and 19th century

In 1709, cast iron replaced lead as the most popular material for gutter construction.

Between the years 1710 and 1750, the construction of gutters in buildings and houses of the American colonies became popular. The most common consist of two V-shaped wooden boards joined with wooden pegs.

Between 1751 and 1800, built-in gutters became common in new buildings in the United States. They were usually made of V-shaped pieces of wood.

Between the years 1801 and 1825, in America, cast iron downspouts are incorporated into taller and more complex buildings. Surprisingly, they channeled the water into an underground drainage system in an almost imperceptible way.

The history of gutters in the 20th century

Between the years 1900 and 1925 rolling machines are invented, and they become very popular in America. These machines allowed construction companies to make steel gutters folded in half, which were placed on the edges of houses and buildings.

Between 1939 and 1950, after the Second World War, plastic became the preferred construction material for rain gutters in Great Britain.

Between the 1960s and 1965, one-piece aluminum gutters were created , radically altering the way gutters were produced. About 70% of rain gutters in the US are made of aluminum, due to its high strength and light weight.

Between the years 1970 and 1978, portable gutter making machines were built , making the gutters easier to transport for later installation at the construction site.

In 1979 Bob De Martini, an MIT graduate, began work on an innovative protection project for storm gutter systems. The project was successful two years later.


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