Gutter Cleaning, Why Is It Important?
Gutter Cleaning, Why Is It Important? Gutter cleaning is an essential job to maintain the good condition of a storm water drainage system. The sediments carried by the wind and sometimes solid waste such as plastics, wrappers and others; Just like the leaves of the trees, it is common for them to end up on our roof. When it rains, this residue will end up inside the gutters, preventing the water from flowing easily or even creating an obstruction in the system. What Problems Can Arise If The Gutters Are Not Cleaned? It is necessary to be very attentive to the problem of obstructions or accumulations of residues in the gutters; it can bring very negative consequences to our house: Leaks and leaks derived from poor drainage; when the gutters do not drain properly, the rain can overflow them, causing the rainwater to fall down our facade. In the long run, the water ends up filtering and can produce humidity on the walls of our house. Stains on the facade, derived from the s...